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Your website is your most important marketing asset. It should both attract new leads and keep your customers coming back. 

When created and maintained properly, your website will become your marketing workhorse--sales, marketing, lead nurturing, customer service, tech support, press and social media all occur on your website, depending on your business. Whether it is a complete web redesign, a mobile version or additional content, building a website that is flexible, easily updated, responsive and high-ranking are just a few of the components to a successful web design and development. Greenway can help you manage everything from full redesign to minor updates. 


Customers are sophisticated. They want content that is relevant, authentic and useful. Write well and post often.

How many times have we heard that content is king. To maintain high ranking and keep customers clicking on your site, keywords and headers are not enough. Keeping the site fresh with new blog posts, video, infographics, contributed articles, press releases and more are essential. Lead nurturing campaigns and landing pages provide the specific information your customers are looking for. Greenway has a strong speciality in all types of content writing for the web. We look forward to making your site a revenue and lead generating machine. 


White papers, contributed articles on and other thought-leadership demonstrate that you are a go-to resource in your industry. 

Demonstrating thought-leadership in your industry shows customers that your company is looking out for their future and knows what they need now and down the road. The dilemna is that CEO's and other executives are extremely busy with their day to day jobs, and writing these kinds of documents is extemely time consuming. Greenway can help! Working with you, we can gather all the information you would like presented in your white paper, article, book or other document. Then we write the original document for you, giving you the opportunity to edit and add your personal touches. These write-ups can be pitched press, sent to customers, shared on social media and even published. Its a unique service that Greenway offers--the ability to writing up technical and complex information into a lay-person friendly format. 

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